September 03, 2017

A birthday celebration with one of my besties = an amazing day trip to Bannerman Castle 🏰

We took a short ferry ride along the Hudson River to the island - pretty happy to NOT have had to drive over that bridge to get there. Not a big fan of bridges! ;)

The island was breathtaking!

What started off as basically a giant 6.5 acre rock in the middle of the river was transformed by the Bannerman's into a lush location.  They brought in top soil, planted trees, built gardens, and turned the island into a beautiful backdrop for the castle.

Speaking of the castle... AMAZING!  Only part of the structure was still standing but it's easy to imagine what it must have looked like back in the day.

Some original sketches + fireplace

The flowers all around the grounds were so beautiful.  The perfect backdrop to play with taking pics of the jewels I was wearing - one of my go-to favorites, the After Midnight Cuff in Opalite.

An old school outhouse.  A 2 seater with a skylight.  Kinda cool and kind of just... weird. :D

More flowers = more jewelry pictures!

That castle though...

Had to also get some jewelry pics with the castle in the background. Of course. :D

The views from all around the island were stunning.

After taking the ferry back off the island, we explored Beacon, NY for a couple hours.  We grabbed lunch, did a little window shopping, and ended the day with a trip to the local chocolatier - yum!  

It was a great day trip and one I highly recommend the next time you make it out to NY.  

XO, Crista


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